Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a question about the fair? Chances are it is answered below.

01. Is the Milan Fair funded by the city?

The Fair is not funded by the City but the City does provide services; electricity, water, police security, etc.

02. How can I become a vendor?

If you are interested in becoming a vendor here is a link to the vendor application. If you are interested in becoming a food vendor please fill out this food vendor application. Applications should be mailed with check to MCFI, PO Box 256, Milan MI 48160 or E-mailed and paid via PayPal.
You can send an email to milanfair48160@gmail.com and one of our board members will contact you.

03. Where should I park?

Parking anywhere in town, Wilson Park parking areas (behind fire station and behind police department)

04. How do I become a volunteer?

If you would like to volunteer call Matthew Belford @ 734-604-5925.
You can send an email to milanfair48160@gmail.com and one of our board members will contact you.
We have a volunteer’s meeting at the entertainment tent on Monday May 30th, starting at 6pm.

05. How can I make a donation?

Donations can be mailed with a check to MCFI, PO Box 256, Milan MI 48160 or through PayPal

06. When are the fireworks?

Fireworks are Friday night with rain date for Saturday

What route does the parade take?

Parade line up is on Marvin St. by the Middle School and Paddock School starting at 5pm. The parade kicks off is 6pm. The parade will travel down Marvin Turning onto County, proceed to downtown, turning onto Wabash, exit at Division or Redman.